Friday, September 12, 2008

Protecting your car against thefts

To avoid car thefts here are some basics :
  1. After parking your car always lock the doors and remove the key.80 percent car are stolen cause of unlocked doors and 40 percent are stolen having the keys in the ignition
  2. Never leave your valuables like mobile phones cash etc in your car
  3. You may install an alarm and use additional locks such as steering wheel locks, brake pedal locks and wheel locks
  4. Having installed a tracking device on your car can be of great helpas it has high percentage of recovering the stolen car.
80 percent car are stolen cause of unlocked doors and 40 percent had the keys in the ignition.

To ensure your car while you’re away here a some tips:
  1. Be sure to park your car where everyone could see
  2. Install alarm for thieves this is annoying, having a noise sound attracting passerby.
  3. Hide your alarm where theft can’t easily determine if your car have an alarm or no alarm at all.
  4. Know the place well where you park

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